Long server response times on Directadmin


New member
Feb 11, 2024
I just bought Directadmin and OVH Dedicated Server Rise Game 1 with 32GB RAM + Ryzen 5600x 12 vcores and server response times are terrible.
Tested url on dedicated server: https://csgo.vxh.pl/
Same url on normal hositng/cloud with 2 vCpu + 16GB ram temporaly soon 4GB ram back: https://app.smoothwizard.com/

I dont know what to do i have same setting on 2 direct admins and server response times are diffrent +- 10-15s
0.1-2s on hosting and 15-20s on dedicated server
i had bad experience with OVH (network issues) so try just test network, some static file response from nginx or something similar. Maybe better and cheaper will be Hetzner
I just bought Directadmin and OVH Dedicated Server Rise Game 1 with 32GB RAM + Ryzen 5600x 12 vcores and server response times are terrible.
Tested url on dedicated server: https://csgo.vxh.pl/
Same url on normal hositng/cloud with 2 vCpu + 16GB ram temporaly soon 4GB ram back: https://app.smoothwizard.com/

I dont know what to do i have same setting on 2 direct admins and server response times are diffrent +- 10-15s
0.1-2s on hosting and 15-20s on dedicated server
Server response time for me is 15-20s on both links you posted. The difference is caching (opcache, redis, varnish?) seems enabled on the hosting link and not on the dedicated server link, so from the second site visit on the hosting link is indeed much faster.
i had bad experience with OVH (network issues) so try just test network, some static file response from nginx or something similar. Maybe better and cheaper will be Hetzner
network is going around 340 mbps download
And 640upload
and delays? did you try to check response speed with nginx and any static file?
just upload any 10+ mb file to public_html and try how fast will be response to receive it. maybe some webpagetest website or goole-site-speed
testing with simple html image/css/js around 20-30mb.

Ensure on your browser must use "ctrl + f5" to force download image without cache.
Do this around 10-20 time and compare result.

maybe if it could stop other service except tools for testing. it should help you to determind what's happend on your server.
I send message to their support yesterday and waiting for response. Do you thing this is main reason about response times? And slow website load time?
Well, it's a game server and not a hosting server (official) --> should not be a big issue i guess but still.
Server response 32 sec.
You might like to try running an MTR (at least 100 hops / iterations) from your PC to the server to see if there's any packet loss, which could very well explain what you're seeing here.

You can use something like https://sourceforge.net/projects/winmtr/ to do this.

If there is, it'd be worth using something like https://ping.pe/ to see if that problem can be reproduced from other locations around the world.
Today i test page configured without directadmin and works fine
So this is issue with directadmin on Debian 11 Bullseye or wthever it called