Looking for DA dedicated server host..


Verified User
Apr 8, 2005

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a DA Dedicated Hosting supplier in around the $60 pm price bracket - do any of you provide such services or know anyone who does that you'd recommend?

If you can work with a Virtuozzo VPS plan check out Tektonic. They have plans between $35 and $75 per month.

I don't think you're going to find a dedicated system plan at even close to what you're asking.

We charge significantly more than what you're asking, and almost every one of our clients comes to us after leaving a lower-priced provider.

You definitely get what you pay for.

Manny suggests you get a reseller account, and some reseller accounts may be right for you.

But if you need your own root access and full server control, then I highly recommend Tektonic.

Rook said:

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a DA Dedicated Hosting supplier in around the $60 pm price bracket - do any of you provide such services or know anyone who does that you'd recommend?


First off Jeff is correct but maybe you can let us know exactly what it is you require, that way we can give you a couple of options for your considderation.

Kind regards,
Onno Vrijburg
What's the matter, Joe? Don't you recognize spam when you see it :D.

Fortunately I do. Unfortunately I couldn't delete it without removing your pithy remark, so I've edited it; the links have been removed.

And of course I've banned the user.
