Loosing ownership of files at restore on other server


Verified User
Apr 13, 2005
Best, Netherlands
Hi all,

We have more than one DA server.
Now we need to move some users from one DA server to another server.
On server one we created a backup of a user account.
On server two we restored that backup through FTP.

What we say is that ALL user files on server two get the userid and groupid of the user account. ALSO for files the had as owner "apache" on server one.

This gives us some troubles, especially for files that need to be owner by apache within the CMS software.

Is there a way to prevent this?
Might want to ask directadmin directly. They are probably running chown after it unzips the backup.
That's exactly what is happening.

I have created a manual workaround by tarring all files owned by apache on the first server and extract (and overwrite) then on the second server.

Not that elegant, but it preserves my apache-owned files...
Not sure maybe will have to ask directadmin for a change or something if its gonna cause alot of problems for users.
During the restore process, the /home/username/domains directory is extracted *as* the user himself. It's not not that it's a chown process, it's that it's extract as the user with user privileges, so he wont be able to write as apache.

I'd recommend installing suPhp as all php scripts would then be running as the user, so you wouldn't run into that problem.
