Loss of FTP accounts with SSL accounts/server backup


Verified User
Sep 21, 2012

DA 1.41.1

I just moved a few servers from elder versions (some the same) of DA to new servers with 1.41.1.

One of the things that didn't come across where the FTP accounts of SSL/owned IP addresses.
I did saw them in the /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/ftp.passwd file
And needed to copy them into /etc/proftpd.passwd file to see them.
Is this enough to get them working again?

Is this intentional or a expected behavior?
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Hi Thanks for your answer.

So if I get it right, than I should have manually alterd this (on the new server) before I did the restore from the old server?
I needed to add the passwords by hand now, it was not done by restoring the backup from the old server.

Would it cause any harm to leave the accounts in the main file and set the unified_ftp_password_file=1 value?
I would recommend that you first upgrade DirectAdmin on all the old servers to the newest version, and that you convert all the old servers to unified ftp password:

Conversion: http://directadmin.com/features.php?id=1134
cd /usr/local/directadmin
echo "unified_ftp_password_file=1" >> conf/directadmin.conf
echo "action=convert&value=unifiedftp" >> data/task.queue
./dataskq d1

After you have upgraded DirectAdmin on all the old servers, and also converted to unified ftp password, then you can make backup and restore in the new servers.
Hi ditto,

Thanks for your response.
As they where live servers and didnt have dovecot they ran on older versions.

So we did a backup/restore, and it looked like all went well exept this ftpaccount problem.
Did that by hand, but was just wondering why this happened.

Could I expect more not experienced yet problems?
I don't think you will get other problems. However, you should be aware of that SAG now is default enabled on new installs http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=961 - so if you restored backup from older DirectAdmin versions without SAG enabled, it would be enabled on the new servers. But this is a good thing.
Would it cause any harm to leave the accounts in the main file and set the unified_ftp_password_file=1 value?

Sorry, unified_ftp_password_file=1 is default for new installations.
It would mean no extra accounts for dedicated IPs in short format:

If with unified_ftp_password_file=0 you could create extra FTP accounts on private (dedicated IP) in form of


then with unified_ftp_password_file=1 your logins (which a extra FTP accounts, not a main one) would turn into

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