lost admin password.


Verified User
Dec 12, 2005
i do not have root login to my server.

and i lost my admin password. i know that my e-mail is still activated in the admin account as i am still recieving admin messages.

is there a way i can reset password and have the password send to my e-mail so i can login again?
Do you have physical access to the machine? If so reboot from a cd such as knoppix and carefully edit the shadow password file to remove roots password.

Reboot off HDD, login as root, set new password for root and admin. If its a hosted box ask the ISP if they can do this for you.
Editing the shadow file is neither recommended nor necessary. Since the passwords in shadow are not in plaintext, it's not even easy.

If the server is a linux server boot it as "linux single" (google instructions for how to do this, depending on whether your server uses grub or lilo for startup), then run:

passwd root

to change the root password

and then

passwd admin

to change the admin password.

Then restart the server normally.

Unfortunately, even after "passwd admin", and new password entering, I can't login...
Any help? Is there something wrong with my RH+Directadmin box?
It's likely you're missing something as simple as capslock (or something else).

My suggestion will work properly on any RedHat system going back as far as the earliest releases. If you're still having problems go over your work carefully.
