LOST all users info


Verified User
Jan 18, 2004
i have a freebsd 4.9 box.
After some problems with some softwares i have try to reinstall directadmin (i have re-run setup.sh).
After reinstall finished i have lost all user.conf files.
There is deleted all contents in:


directory. After this i canot login in webpanel at any user (including admin)
Can everyone inform me if it is possible to manual add this files? I have only 5 users, but i not know how i can add the files needed for this.
Also it is anything else broken after this?
(i think it is more safe to check before delete this entrys at the setup.sh).
Thanks a lot for the help.

Well.. you probably be missing quite a few files if their account is gone.. It would be much easier to just create the accounts and start over. Or if you are feeling up to it, create a test user, and manually copy all the required files using the same format.

Does this mean that it's impossible to migrate from one OS or OS version to another because we wouldn't be able to restore all the accounts?
DirectAdmin Support said:

Well.. you probably be missing quite a few files if their account is gone.. It would be much easier to just create the accounts and start over. Or if you are feeling up to it, create a test user, and manually copy all the required files using the same format.

The problem is that i canot login to admin (in directadmin panel), because it is not available and the files for this.
(all files and dirs in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/ is deleted)
So can you give me (in a zip) the basic setup files for /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/ so i can login as admin and i can recreate the domains?
Thanks a lot for your support
So can everyone give me the basic setup dir (/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/) for a empty freebsd 4.9 server?
I think this is the only method to repair my box
i have delete the /usr/local/directadmin directory and admin use and i have reinstall directadmin.
But now i canot login to directadmin

in /var/log/directadmin/error.log
i have see this:
Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>
Unable to get Lock on file<br>
I have reset the pass via passwd admin and i continew to have the same problem
As a reminder - running setup.sh SHOULD NOT BE DONE after the initial instalation

I personally strongly advise all users to remove the file or move it in a hidden directory! keep it out of your way and the temptation to use such a script named "setup.sh" will dissapear.

ProWebUK said:
As a reminder - running setup.sh SHOULD NOT BE DONE after the initial instalation

I personally strongly advise all users to remove the file or move it in a hidden directory! keep it out of your way and the temptation to use such a script named "setup.sh" will dissapear.

Also i recomended to include a check in setup.sh. If the directory /usr/local/directadmin is available then not make the install.
I have use ensim and cpanel in the past and it is safe to make the setup again.
Finally i have reinstall the directadmin right.
My only problem is this:
cgi scripts give me 500 error
In /var/log/httpd/suexec_log i have see this:
[2004-02-22 15:04:35]: error: target uid/gid (1026/1026) mismatch with directory (1026/1003) or program (1026/1003)

the file permision is:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 terato apache 118K Feb 6 19:30 buy.cgi

and the dire permisions:
drwxr-xr-x 2 terato terato 512B Feb 22 12:28 cgi-bin

Can everyone know the fix?
Thanks a lot
i also have the problem that i cant login:

2004:02:24-22:01:24: Unable to write session file:
2004:02:24-22:01:24: Unable to read ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>

2004:02:24-22:01:24: Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>
Unable to get Lock on file<br>

how can i fix this?

i did this all ready:

./directadmin i
./directadmin p

The login.hist doesn't really matter, but the sessions file error will prevent login.

make sure you have /home/tmp and that it's set to 1777:

mkdir /home/tmp
chmod 1777 /home/tmp
