Lot's of trouble with CustomBuild 2.0 on fresh install CentOS 6.3


Verified User
Jan 12, 2012

I'm setting up a new server and I thought it would be nice to do this with CustomBuild 2.0. So I installed CentOS 6.3 64-bit, ran the installation of DirectAdmin and replaced CustomBuild 1.2 with CustomBuild 2.0. I changed the options.conf a bit to fit with what I need, did a build clean, options, update and and than 'all d'.

At first sight it seems to ran fine, but when I was watching it on my second screen, I saw something in 'red' and I quickly took a screenshot (screen). As you can see it is missing 'libcap-devel' and then the error's are starting. The bad thing about this, is that custombuild didn't stopped but just went through. If I looked a split second later, I wouldn't have noticed this.

Second part is that PureFTPd wouldn't stop, but also then custombuild didn't stopped. Then it failed to compile SpamAssassin because of missing MakeMaker (why doesn't custombuild install this)? (Screen)

Then, when I followed this helpfile and tried to install MakeMaker, it parses an error which referred that you need to have MakeMaker (which you are trying to install). (Screen)

Why do I have so many troubles with the new CustomBuild 2.0 on a fresh install of CentOS and DirectAdmin?

Thanks in advance, regards,
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yum install libcap-devel

I saw the same message about libcap-devel and solved it by running
yum install libcap-devel
But Custombuild 2.0 should have done that, of course.

SpamAssassin is one of the hardest items to get get compiled on the first try.
It has numerous dependencies which can be tricky to get fully installed (then dependencies for the dependencies).
This isn't unique to CB 2.0 ,but also for 1.1/1.2, and the spam.sh script.
For this reason, it's better to leave SpamAssassin off until after everything is finished installing, and do it as a separate post-install step.
This is why we don't enable it by default (cpan & perl modules require a lot of human Q&A)

libcap-devel should be installed before starting the DA install:

Hope that helps clarify it a bit.

You should install spamassassin and his required packages using:

yum install -y spamassassin
yum erase -y spamassassin

This will install all the needed packages (on CentOS) and remove the spamassassin one without remove pre-requisites.

This will let your first spamassassin installation work fine.

Thank you all, that clarify's all of it.

I started celebrating to early. So I reinstalled my whole server again with CentOS 6.3, installed all the packages in the link John reffered to, installed DirectAdmin and again started CustomBuild. But again I noticed an error and CustomBuild did not stopped again so I tooked a screenshot again: "cannot load /usr/lib/apache/libphp5.so into server. Undefined symbol: unixd_config". (Screen)

Doing some research on google points out that there's something wrong with compiling PHP. Seems to be an error in CustomBuild?
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There was an error before that. Just outside the screen. Might be openssl missing. Try
yum install openssl
and then ./build php d
Openssl is installed and running the last version.

In the mean time; i'm getting really depressed about CustomBuild. After the first time running 'all d', httpd wouldn't start anymore. Anything that I try to compile now with CustomBuild which want to restart httpd fails ("Stopping HTTPD: [ OK ], Starting HTTPD:", and there it stops immediately). So I checked the /var/log/httpd/error_log, but I can't really find anything helpfull in there:

[Thu Dec 27 23:16:38.167186 2012] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 2238] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:40.001022 2012] [ssl:notice] [pid 32187] AH01886: SSL FIPS mode disabled
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:40.069438 2012] [ssl:warn] [pid 32187] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for www.example.com:443 does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:40.069698 2012] [suexec:notice] [pid 32187] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:40.094376 2012] [auth_digest:notice] [pid 32188] AH01757: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:41.000745 2012] [ssl:notice] [pid 32188] AH01886: SSL FIPS mode disabled
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:41.177107 2012] [ssl:warn] [pid 32188] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for www.example.com:443 does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:41.177351 2012] [lbmethod_heartbeat:notice] [pid 32188] AH02282: No slotmem from mod_heartmonitor
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:41.177455 2012] [:notice] [pid 32188] mod_ruid2/0.9.7 enabled
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:41.250829 2012] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 32188] AH00163: Apache/2.4.3 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips PHP/5.4.10 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Dec 27 23:16:41.250932 2012] [core:notice] [pid 32188] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/httpd -D SSL'
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:01.420002 2012] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 32188] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:03.001027 2012] [ssl:notice] [pid 32448] AH01886: SSL FIPS mode disabled
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:03.057818 2012] [ssl:warn] [pid 32448] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for www.example.com:443 does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:03.058053 2012] [suexec:notice] [pid 32448] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:03.082625 2012] [auth_digest:notice] [pid 32449] AH01757: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:04.001146 2012] [ssl:notice] [pid 32449] AH01886: SSL FIPS mode disabled
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:04.025348 2012] [ssl:warn] [pid 32449] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for www.example.com:443 does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:04.025584 2012] [lbmethod_heartbeat:notice] [pid 32449] AH02282: No slotmem from mod_heartmonitor
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:04.025684 2012] [:notice] [pid 32449] mod_ruid2/0.9.7 enabled
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:04.054471 2012] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 32449] AH00163: Apache/2.4.3 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips PHP/5.4.10 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Dec 27 23:17:04.054577 2012] [core:notice] [pid 32449] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/httpd -D SSL'
Don't let yourself shoot down so early. You are setting up a new server, that costs time and you will find errors.

I remember in the process httpd failed here too, that's not a problem at first (just let custombuild to his thing). It will boot up eventually (first install it is).

When we upgrade to custombuild 2.0 it didnt work at all at first. Just keep it cool, found out that some packages where missing, ioncube wasnt ready for new PHP version etc. Most of the solutions are already mentioned in this forum.

If you are getting depressed its probably because you didnt took the time. You thought it was a peace of cake. Reserve some time in a low-prior timetable (weekends at 23:00u at night?).

Last thing, we will help if needed, just keep posting in the topic :) you are not alone.

These packages are needed for CentOS 6.*:

yum install wget gcc gcc-c++ flex bison make bind bind-libs bind-utils openssl openssl-devel perl quota libaio libcom_err-devel libcurl-devel gd zlib-devel zip unzip libcap-devel cronie bzip2 db4-devel cyrus-sasl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed

We also install these just for other packages and software we use:

yum install gcc wget mlocate make ncurses-devel nano gcc-c++ bzip2 perl-libwww-perl chkconfig quota mailx

On your screenshot i see mod_ruid isnt installed, do: ./build mod_ruid2 in your CustomBuild directory (you MUST rebuild it :)) already posted in: http://www.directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44693&p=230243&highlight=#post230243

./build mod_ruid2
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Don't let yourself shoot down so early. You are setting up a new server, that costs time and you will find errors.

I remember in the process httpd failed here too, that's not a problem at first (just let custombuild to his thing). It will boot up eventually (first install it is).

When we upgrade to custombuild 2.0 it didnt work at all at first. Just keep it cool, found out that some packages where missing, ioncube wasnt ready for new PHP version etc. Most of the solutions are already mentioned in this forum.

If you are getting depressed its probably because you didnt took the time. You thought it was a peace of cake. Reserve some time in a low-prior timetable (weekends at 23:00u at night?).

Last thing, we will help if needed, just keep posting in the topic :) you are not alone.

These packages are needed for CentOS 6.*:

yum install wget gcc gcc-c++ flex bison make bind bind-libs bind-utils openssl openssl-devel perl quota libaio libcom_err-devel libcurl-devel gd zlib-devel zip unzip libcap-devel cronie bzip2 db4-devel cyrus-sasl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed

We also install these just for other packages and software we use:

yum install gcc wget mlocate make ncurses-devel nano gcc-c++ bzip2 perl-libwww-perl chkconfig quota mailx

On your screenshot i see mod_ruid isnt installed, do: ./build mod_ruid2 in your CustomBuild directory (you MUST rebuild it :)) already posted in: http://www.directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44693&p=230243&highlight=#post230243

./build mod_ruid2

Thanks, Acceleratic, for your motivating answer :-). I always feel very dumb when I get this amount of error's.

John took a look at my server, but weird enough httpd was running fine now. I again ran ./build all d and now it run's without any error. Maybe because it now rebuilded some thing such as mod_ruid2 (I did read the topic now).

The only thing which is strange, is that when I restart HTTPD, it restart's fine but it doesn't give an [ OK ] after 'starting httpd:' Any idea?

[root@delta /]# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd:
The only thing which is strange, is that when I restart HTTPD, it restart's fine but it doesn't give an [ OK ] after 'starting httpd:' Any idea?
[root@delta /]# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd:
This happens on my servers as well. I always check with 'service httpd status'.
Whether or not you see OK depends on the contents of the script your server is using to start the server. You can modify the script to show it if you'd like to see it.

I am just running 'service httpd restart'. When I do this for instance on proftpd or directadmin it shows OK at the second line. But with httpd there is no second OK.
I oversimplified. Echoing OK to the screen is now done in the function echo_success in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions file. The proftpd and directadmin (and probably lots of other) files link to, and use, functions in that file, including success which calls echo_success which displays the OK, while the httpd file's start command calls httpd directly, and therefore never displays the OK.

You can add code to the httpd file to display the OK if it's important to you.

John took a look at my server, but weird enough httpd was running fine now. I again ran ./build all d and now it run's without any error. Maybe because it now rebuilded some thing such as mod_ruid2 (I did read the topic now).

Probably, good it's fixed!

This happens on my servers as well. I always check with 'service httpd status'.

Same here, as long it doesn't show any errors and it runs, iam happy :)