Mail Features


Verified User
Nov 30, 2003
I would like to see mail stored in a Maildir++ format rather than an Mbox format. Less problems with file locking.

I would like to see Exim installed with the Exiscan patch

I would also like to see the email stored somewhere besides under the /var directory, preferably under the users home directory. As IMAP becomes more popular space could become an issue on the /var partition.

I'm for the moving it off the /var directory. I'm having space trouble with that right now especially if email is the only thing clients use their hosting for.
i'll have the exiscan patched rpms and the standard exim rpms out in an hour or two... using the latest version of course :)
jmstacey said:
I'm for the moving it off the /var directory. I'm having space trouble with that right now especially if email is the only thing clients use their hosting for.

To get around the problem I moved my /var/mail and /var/spool directories to a larger partition and created sybolic links.
mkdir /usr/local/var
cd /var
mv mail/ /usr/local/var/mail
ln -s /usr/local/var/mail mail
mv spool/ /usr/local/var/spool/
ln -s /usr/local/var/spool spool
This was on FreeBSD 4.9. For RedHat you'd probably want something like:
mkdir /home/var
cd /var
mv mail/ /home/var/mail
ln -s /home/var/mail mail
mv spool/ /home/var/spool/
ln -s /home/var/spool spool

ProWebUK said:
i'll have the exiscan patched rpms and the standard exim rpms out in an hour or two... using the latest version of course :)
But what about us poor FreeBSD users :(


ProWebUK said:
i'll have the exiscan patched rpms and the standard exim rpms out in an hour or two... using the latest version of course :)
I just found your post today.

Have you done it?

Where can I find it?

Just a note that you'll need to restart vm-Pop3d after you move your mail directories or it won't be able to find them.
