I have a dedicated server with DA, i run
www.turiempleo.com in this server and i have a mailing application on the site, very simple, it gets the message, makes a loop trough the addresses in the db and writes the result to a text file in the server.
The first mailing to the companies, to about 1.900 addresses went totally fine.
The second one, to around 19.000 email addresses didn't work so good, i got the text file written, but not with all the emails and i have now around 50 pages in the Mail Queue Admin.
I think what I'm doing wrong is the mailing process itself, making a loop with 19.000 addresses is maybe too much but i don't know how to handle this!!! Any hint on how to modify Mail Queue to accept longer lists or how to write the app for this kind of mailing would be great and very appreciated!!