Mailing Lists


New member
Jun 1, 2006
i've been trying all day to create a mailing list that a select few can send to, and everyone else can get the emails. this way every time some joe blow wants to send a email to the entire company, he has to have my approval first. this is a big deal here and i can't believe that i can't figure out how to do this, but there is slim to no documentation.

just wondering if anyone would be kind enough to enlighten me

I really wish a simpler mailing list were deployed for DA, I wish I could help you.
I believe the answer has been posted on these forums; I know it's been answered many times on the majordomo-users list.

You create a second list. If your first list is called announce, your second list can be called announce-senders.

In the config file (you have read the Majordomo new-user-info file, right :) ) you change the allowed posters from announce to announce-senders. You don't advertise announce-senders.

That's the simple explanation.

While DA doesn't include the new-user-info file or a commented config file, you can find information about Majordomo all over the web, and you can ask majordomo itself to send you a newly built config file with all the comments in it.

Your list can be completely configured through it's list-config file.
