i'm new for mailscanner,
could anyone help me...
actually i already installed mailscanner, spamassassin,clamav ,mysql and
mailwatch-> all that component are running.
i want to configure mailscanner as become filter mail before pass to Mail
Server. and want to use with postfix not sendmail.
how do i can tuning that service? any manual from mailscanner or any
example of configurations that u have done and working fine ?
one more when i login to mailwatch, it's state mailscanner no, sendmail
no...how to enable/setting that.
very thanks for your helping on this matter.
i'm new for mailscanner,
could anyone help me...
actually i already installed mailscanner, spamassassin,clamav ,mysql and
mailwatch-> all that component are running.
i want to configure mailscanner as become filter mail before pass to Mail
Server. and want to use with postfix not sendmail.
how do i can tuning that service? any manual from mailscanner or any
example of configurations that u have done and working fine ?
one more when i login to mailwatch, it's state mailscanner no, sendmail
no...how to enable/setting that.
very thanks for your helping on this matter.