Main Website Hosted Elsewhere (possible?)


New member
Nov 11, 2004
Union City, TN
Hi guys. :)

Well, here's my situation.

I'm new to the hosting biz. I've thought about starting one up, over and over, since a year or two ago, and I think I'm finally going to go thru with it.

I've got some decent *nix experience (I even have my own colocated NetBSD server at my WISP), and so I figured I'd buy myself a dedicated server, to host all of my future clients on (with DirectAdmin, of course ;)).

Well, that's all fine and dandy, but what would I do about a *true* secondary DNS server? I thought about having my colocated server handle the secondary DNS, which it could, but it's got a CharterTN IP / hostname. :p So I don't think I wanna use that, atleast unless I absolutely have to.

Then what I thought about doing, was getting myself a small VDS account, in addition to the dedicated server, which would host the main business site, plus serve as a secondary DNS server. (I could also show daemon stats per [semi- / dedicated] server, from this VDS - which hopefully, will have a very good uptime.)

Now my question:
Is it possible, to add my webhost domain name to DirectAdmin, on the dedicated server, but then host the website for it (and its email services, etc) on the VDS account?

This way, my webhost domain, will have the same two nameservers as my clients, but, the biz site will be on a completely different network, keeping DNS going, should the dedicated server need a reboot, or be down for a little while, as well as keeping the sales rolling in.
You've gotten me confused.

What do you mean by your main site?

Do you mean the site that comes up when someone types or into their browser?

It can be hosted anywhere.

Your systems have to have their own hostnames; and will work, but you can have anything, as long as it's not also a site.

And you can use and without having any hostname or site with those names; these are service names.

I just mean, having "", being hosted on Virtual Dedicated Server (A) with DirectAdmin and/or the payment software.. *and* ns2.

VDS (A):
-, (site)
- DirectAdmin (unless it has to be on the hosting server, see below)
- payment software (unless it has to be on the hosting server, see below)
- (secondary, name server)

Then having my clients hosted on a Fully Dedicated Server (FDS..? heh, w/e) (B), along with ns1.

FDS (B):
- virtual hosted clients
- (primary, name server -- I figure ``ns1'' has to be on the actual server with my clients.. but then again, it might have to be on the server that has the DirectAdmin CP --- Does DA have to be installed per server, or can it be installed at one central site and be able to control client's sites from whatever server(s) I may have?)


er, btw. I'm wanting to use Whois.Cart, as the payment software. (Sign-up / billing / client management.. good low-cost package :cool: )
DA is a single server solution. So you'd need to install it spearately on two different servers if you wanted to run it on two different servers.
