Major IP Problem, Please help ASAP


Verified User
Apr 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
so here is the problem, my web designer instead of uploading my site and config. it with a dedicated IP uploaded it to a sever shaired IP, when it came down to making an SSL Cert. i had to reconfig it to a dedicated IP but a big problem happend, 404 page missing error when u go to the web address or the IP, this is killing me, i called godaddy they said everything on their end is kosher, i called my web designers they seem to be clueless on whats the problem and my server company cant figure out whats the problem, my workers are all pissed and want to quit because for 3 days now there is no work cuz the sites admin side is down. please help.. also i have a big problem with the mail system aswell i cant get it to config with outlook, my main domain has no problem but my add on domain just wont work right.

thank you for your time, please email: [email protected]:(
i know about the mail problem, i'm not the host company just the owner of the sites, and for the time the other sites work but i have to change the IP on them to for ssl, the host company i'm with is clueless as to what is causing the problem, the error i get is my site is missing it wont resolve to the name and it wont resolve to the IP
Shocking enough the problem wasent the hosting company, the web designers or godaddy, it was the planet, for does who have no clue what i'm talking about its a host company that many hosting companys buy their hosting from, they configed the IP's wrong hence the problem, who would imagine a company this large would make mistakes like this..;)
FireWireHTH said:
... who would imagine a company this large would make mistakes like this..;)

Not that hard actually. The more employees you have it get's harder to keep tabs on quality assurance and so on. Makes picking the right subordinates very important.
Yeah but c'mon the planet is the host provider for about 99% if not more of hosting companys on the net, a mistake like this is a joke, and the even crazyer part is it took them this long to find out what the problem was..:eek:
FireWireHTH said:
Yeah but c'mon the planet is the host provider for about 99% if not more of hosting companys on the net
And you get this information where?

There are several large infrastructure providers, The Planet is one of them, CI Host another (I would NOT recommend anyone go to them), there are also lots of datacenters all over the world that are in no way connected to the Planet. Do a google search for datacenter in your area and you should get at least a few results.

Onno Vrijburg
There are thousands (if not more :p ) datacenters around the globe not related to The Planet. For example, I used to use tranxactglobal ( or which I still recommend.