majordomo - a few issues


Verified User
Mar 21, 2006

I had a customer e-mail me asking about a few things regarding Majordomo. I couldn't find out much information about it so I figured I would ask you folks here.

In regards to HTML e-mail, he is having troubles being able to use the 'approve:' command, because, "The "approve:" command always gets messed up becaus HTML based email gets
headers ahead of the command."

Any ideas?

Also, he complains that the unsubscribe functionality is "non-standard". I disagree. He says most e-mail distribution lists allow a simple "unsubscribe" to be placed in the subject line, but it doesn't work for him. He is complaining that you have to know the specific commands which could confuse some of his members.

What should I offer him as a solution in this particular scenario? Make sure he puts some sort of footer?

I want to come up with a detailed explanation of what he can do so that he doesn't scuff MajorDomo. I like the software, and I have success with it, however I don't know all the ins and outs of it.

Thanks as always for the responses in advance!
Majordomo is one of the oldest list managers. Both of your complaints are just the way Majordomo works. I don't believe you can make changes to make Majordomo work better with html email; most list servers have problems with html, generally because there's now standard for how an MUA will put together an html email.

I don't know about the unsubscribe issue but I think you can create an email link that'll send the right email to Majordomo.

Majordomo help is available on the majordomo-users mailing list; look for information here.

Thanks Jeff,

Okay, so I guess now the question is, is there any way to integrate Mailman into DirectAdmin? I know there has been lots of talks about it, but I don't think it's ever been done.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I think Mailman would be a better solution in spite of Majordomo's shortcomings.

Thanks again for the response.
Mailman is an excellent product.

I haven't had time to try it with DA.

Anyone else?

another option would be DADA mail, it works much like mailman and I have several clients using it, they are using it as a "dicussion list" with the plugin and it works fine, not as elaborate as mailman, but it does the trick
Dada Mail (formerly known as Mojo Mail) might be a good alternative though you'll have to manage it separately.

Read about it here.

yep, thats the one, setup several so Ive been through alot of the setup and config of them, if anyone needs help, I would be glad to offer any findings I have