Majordomo, how to install?


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
When I setup DA + Custombuild 1.1 + Apache 2.2 + PHP 5 CGI on CentOS 5.2 64 bits, I got an error below:

The source path for majordomo does not exist.  Make sure the correct path is set in

After I was done with setup. I installed Exim RPM from DA. Then, I tried to start Exim Service but I couldn't with the following error :

Shutting down exim:
Starting exim: 2008-09-15 23:14:30 Exim configuration error in line 590 of /etc/exim.conf:
  user majordomo was not found

I then, try to run script ./ and got error The source path for majordomo does not exist. Make sure the correct path is set in

I looked into the script and it said the file should be in scripts/packages but there is no packages directory at all.

I would like to know if I really need it? If yes, why DA didn't install it at first? And where to get majordomo file? (I've search but couldn't find it.) Can I get from and put it in packages?

Suzuki gs series specifications
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The majordomo tar.gz file should be in:


That files needs to be extracted before is run, so if you don't have it, type:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/packages
wget -O majordomo-1.94.5.tar.gz
tar xvzf majordomo-1.94.5.tar.gz
cd ..
I didn't have that file on my server the first time I've installed. (For the location you said.) Then, for some reason, I had to wipe out everything and re-install OS again. This time, I found it in directory you said :)

Thank you,
Medical Marijuana Patients
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Yu don't need to reinstall OS, jut download and run as decribed by DA support.
I have Debian 5.0.3, 32bit, fresh installation of Directadmin, and have same issues..

i did as (root):
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts

and i have this:

make: `wrapper' is up to date.
Testing for perl (/usr/bin/perl)...
Configuring scripts...
./ -m 751 -O 1005 -g 1 . /etc/virtual/majordomo
./ -m 755 -O 1005 -g 1 . /etc/virtual/majordomo/bin
Copying tools to /etc/virtual/majordomo/bin
Copying Majordomo files to /etc/virtual/majordomo
Copying archiving and other tools to /etc/virtual/majordomo/Tools
./ -m 755 -O 1005 -g 1 . /etc/virtual/majordomo/Tools
Using installed
Installing manual pages in /etc/virtual/majordomo/man

To finish the installation, 'su' to root and type:

make install-wrapper

If not installing the wrapper, type

cd /etc/virtual/majordomo; ./wrapper config-test

(no 'su' necessary) to verify the installation.
./ -o root -g 1 \
-m 4755 wrapper /etc/virtual/majordomo/wrapper

To verify that all the permissions and etc are correct,
run the command

cd /etc/virtual/majordomo; ./wrapper config-test

i have tried to do:
MYSRV:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# make install-wrapper
make: *** No rule to make target `install-wrapper'. Stop.

how can i fix majordomo ?? (my exim is stopped because user majordom doesnt exists)

thank you
The rule will exist only if you run this from the majordomo subdirectory. I've never had to run the script; majordomo gets installed with DirectAdmin, so I'm not sure what you're doing or why.

Or am I missing something?

The problem was, after clear install on Debian that exim was not running at all, and mail doesnt arrive..

At log a saw:
Exim configuration error in line 590 of /etc/exim.conf:
(i don't remember was it 590 or similar..)
and this line was about to add safe senders or similar (admin, majordomo and so on), and error was:
user majordomo was not found

so i tried what DirectAdmin Support wrote above..., and i get messages as i described..

also i have tried and done this:

now, the error still persist, but after restart my exim is working fine, and mail is working..,
(but still have failures as i described above)

anyway, mail is working and let's say that this is solved for now.