Mass migration from cpanel to directadmin


Verified User
Sep 16, 2021
Hi, we are implementing a massive migration from cpanel to directadmin (there are approximately 1200 accounts that are in 3 servers that will be migrated in a parceled-out way, so while the migration lasts it is necessary that the server with cpanel and directadmin be operational) these accounts We are going to unify in a single server in directadmin, additionally we have two DNS servers that we want to take to directadmin in the same way, these are in a cluster and in turn these DNS servers are in a cluster with the 3 servers where the 1200 accounts are located . For the migration we want to do the following:
  1. Use the following command to make the package from cpanel and copy it to directadmin:

for user in `ls /var/cpanel/users/`; do { /scripts/pkgacct ${user} /home/all_backups; rsync -avt /home/all_backups/cpmove-${user}.tar.gz${user}.tar.gz; rm -f /home/all_backups/cpmove-${user}.tar.gz ; }; done

2. To restore we plan to do it manually from the panel after all accounts have been migrated.

Because of this I have some doubts as I have the following problems after migration:
the information can be lost in the hours that the migration lasts: since the accounts would still point to the server that is in cpanel, I don't know how we can migrate the information with an rsync, perhaps since the location of the files is different in both panels.If you could guide us with this or if there is a script that can help us optimize the change, thank you.