Max Request/Upload Size


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Hello. I need to increase the limit on sending/receiving files more than 5GB.
How Can I Do it?

DA send me post -
Invalid session timeout or max filesize values
Keep the numbers to a realistic value please.

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 8000M

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 8000M

but no effect.
File is uploaded to the FTP normally, but it can not download. Not with ftp or http. If reduce the size up to 2GB. Then works well
what version of apache are you running?

Apache 1.3.41 Running
DirectAdmin 1.34.5 Running
Exim 4.67 Running
MySQL 5.0.67 Running
Named 9.3.3rc2 Running
ProFTPd 1.3.1 Running
sshd Running
dovecot 1.1.7 Running

files Downloading does not work with ftp or with http or with scp and sftp. But uploading to ftp is good.
Ftp, Directadmin, and PHP are all independant. If you are editing values in directadmin then those values are for directadmin only. It has nothing to do with php scripts or with ftp server.