memory limit for one users phpfm


Verified User
Sep 20, 2015
Guys ,
Nginx reverse proxy with apache phpfm
I know how to change memory limit fo all server in php.ini
but for only 1 user I can't I am lost
tried to understand that link and I searched but could not find any where to change value
Do I need to add the line php_value[memory_limit] = in there? any screenshot guys ?
This one did not do any help either

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PHP-settings section is available on user-level in pre-release, you may use it to change settings for a single domain.
PHP-settings section is available on user-level in pre-release, you may use it to change settings for a single domain.
Sorry my poor English , what do you mean pre-release ? can you please kindly send screenshot thanks in advance
OK thanks so my understanding is: IT is impossible to change memory limit of only one user in present stable DA version?
OK thanks so my understanding is: IT is impossible to change memory limit of only one user in present stable DA version?
It is, multiple ways to do it - .user.ini, custom php.ini, .htaccess, Custom HTTPd configuration etc. I just wrote this above one, because it might require the least knowledge there :)