Anyone using docs from
becarefully, it not state any information about PHP-MODE, as php-fpm doesn't work with this docs. It will trigger error "Permission denied",
Anyone using PHP-FPM, you must generate php handle for "csf" user and config "MESSENGERV3PHPHANDLER" inside "/etc/csf.conf" to use "csf" socket handle like
#Find and replace
becarefully, this will overwritten from custombuild, this is just example. Anyone want to use please make file at
#To generate php-handle for "csf" user
add this to last line
restart relate service.
becarefully, it not state any information about PHP-MODE, as php-fpm doesn't work with this docs. It will trigger error "Permission denied",
Anyone using PHP-FPM, you must generate php handle for "csf" user and config "MESSENGERV3PHPHANDLER" inside "/etc/csf.conf" to use "csf" socket handle like
user = $pool
group = $pool
listen = /usr/local/php81/sockets/$pool.sock
listen.owner = $pool = apache
listen.mode = 660
pm = ondemand
pm.max_children = 10
pm.process_idle_timeout = 20
pm.max_requests = 500
php_admin_value[open_basedir] = /home/csf/:/tmp/:/var/tmp/:/opt/alt/php81/usr/share/pear/:/dev/urandom:/usr/local/php81/lib/:/usr/local/php81/lib/:/usr/local/php82/lib/:/usr/local/php56/lib/:/usr/local/php74/lib/:/usr/local/lib/php/:/var/log/lfd_messenger.log
security.limit_extensions = .php .php52 .php53 .php54 .php55 .php56 .php60 .php70 .php71 .phtml .inc .php81
AddHandler "proxy:unix:/usr/local/php81/sockets/csf.sock|fcgi://localhost" .inc .php .phtml .php81
#Find and replace
MESSENGERV3PHPHANDLER="Include /etc/csf/messenger/php-handle.conf"
becarefully, this will overwritten from custombuild, this is just example. Anyone want to use please make file at
#To generate php-handle for "csf" user
add this to last line
restart relate service.
service php-fpm81 reload
csf -ra
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