migrate between DA and DA?


Verified User
Apr 28, 2007

i thought there was a function in directadmin to migrate a whole account to another directadmin server, but cant find it.
Can anyone help me?

Or whats the most comfortable way of doing this?

friendly greetings,
Dear Tom,

I have to migrate some user accounts between several DirectAdmin servers also some time. The way I do it is as following:

- Create a user backup for the users you want to transfer in DirectAdmin (Manage User Backups function), and save it to an FTP-server or locally. If you decide to store them locally, they're placed in /home/*resellerusername*/user_backups.
- Transfer the user backup to the destination server and move it to the folder /home/*resellerusername*/user_backups. Make sure you give the tar.gz file at least 755 rights on the destination server, so DirectAdmin can import it.
- Login to DirectAdmin with the reseller username where you want to import the user and go to Manager User Backups. Here you can easily import the user backup.

Good luck!
Admin reseller backup may give you more efficiency if you're moving more than one user.
