Migrate Changing VPS to another VPS help and questions


Verified User
Oct 26, 2019
hi all,
I do have some old cheap vps and running DirectAdmin, but I bought a new better much better, and faster vps service, I would love to move DirectAdmin and the whole webserver from old vps to another new vps. I was wondering if it would work. if I backup everything, do a clean install on new vps and restore from backup and go true the errors and fix if there should be bugs, I m pretty sure there will be a lot.

I need your recommendations and help, thank you my wise people here.

If you plan to do a mass migration of accounts and you have several versions of PHP, consider that the destination server have the same order of versions installed, or at least the most similar, so that they do not change in the accounts.

May I also suggest that you use a plugin that we have developed to do bulk migrations faster.

Hope this can help you.
With DA integrated backupsystem, export as reseller (or as admin) your user configs and databases; import them on the new server; make rsync to fast copy all website- and mail-data to the new server. Here in the forum must be several threads about it.