migrating from Debian to CentOS


Verified User
Jun 21, 2008
I'm considering moving one of my few remaining servers running Debian 32bit to CentO/S 64bit. This box is currently running DirectAdmin.

What is the best way to proceed with this? Do I go with the full system backup? Or just use the backup the admin/reseller feature.

Lastly, is it as simple as restoring these backups into the DA install on Cent, or is there anything else I will need to be aware of.

Thanks again for your help
It's very easy to restore the backups. Use "Admin Backup/Transfer" feature to do them. If you have any custom configurations files - copy them too.
Debian x64 is great, thats what is on most of my other boxes.

However, this particular server is using directadmin and I cannot for the life of me get DA to install on Debian x64.
interesting, I cannot recall the version of etch I last tried. I believe it was RC2 back in May/June...perhaps rc4 "fixed" the necessary issues.

Looks like I'll be spending some time at the datacenter this weekend.

Thanks for the link
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