Migrating Roudncube data


Verified User
Oct 8, 2008
Hi guys,

I'm moving all the users from a server to another one (which only has a few users). Both with Directadmin, of course.

How can I move Roundcube data? If I export all the data (not the tables structure) from da_roundcube database on server 1 and import it on server 2, will it work or will it break everything? Is there a better way?

I don't want to just replace the database on server 2 with the one on server 1, because there are a couple of records from the few users on server 2.

Nope, I tried to do what I said but it doesn't work because of the overlapping Ids.
Do you know if Roundcube has any backup interface?

If not, when I get a change I'll try to code something in PHP to get the records from one database and re-insert them in another one regenerating the Ids.
Unfortunately I don't use Roundcube and don't know. Perhaps someone else will reply.

the sequence is correct since i used that in the past.

The problem is that if you import to an alraedy on production server some ids would already be assigned, so, i suppose, you will need to make some change to the sql file.

Otherwise, if the server is fresh and still not used from customers, drop the database and import the backup one (structure and data) would work correctly (also just data too but never tryed).

The problem is that if you import to an alraedy on production server some ids would already be assigned, so, i suppose, you will need to make some change to the sql file.

Yes, that's precisely the problem... so I'll see if I can code something to transfer the contacts regenerating the IDs
Did John already write somewhere that he's putting this into version system for a future update?
