Migrating to DirectAdmin


New member
Oct 20, 2005
HI All,

I am planning to transition to DirectAdmin from CPanel, and have a few questions:

- CPanel has a utility called chksrvd, which runs every once in a while to check whether basic daemons (such as httpd, mysql, etc.) are running and restarts the failed one if it died. Does DirectAdmin has a script/feature like this, and if so, how reliable is this feature, i.e. does it check for process ids via ps -ef kind of thing?

- Does DirectAdmin has some kind of a tool to rotate apache logs at certain intervals, i.e. every 6 hours or every day? And, do you know what this uses? Is it based on some piped script as logrotate (where apache logs are piped to lograte script, which rotates the logs at specified times). BTW, I do not want to use awstats or anything like that, just rotate the logs

- CPanel can upgrade/apply patches automatically for base packages on the system, such as apache, mysql, php, etc. ? Can DirectAdmin do this?
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- CPanel has a utility called chksrvd

Yes, DA autostarts essential daemons automatically. We rarely, if ever, see an issue with a down service.

Does DirectAdmin has some kind of a tool to rotate apache logs at certain intervals,

Yep - logrotate handles that automatically.

CPanel can upgrade/apply patches automatically for base packages

No, not automatically, but thats one of the charms of DA. DA uses a set of scripts called customapache that you can cron or run monthly to update all essentials (php/apache/etc). Other packages we (me) prefer to update manually after bugs have been worked out of them... DA handles some with RPM's or .src.rpm's - simple to install.

Good luck - and welcome to DA. If you need more help, feel free to ask.
