Missing libraries on first time DA Installation


Verified User
Mar 17, 2004
I'm following the DA installation instruction verbatim. On a new server, did a base install of Debian 5 with nothing else.

I installed ssh, gcc, g++.

First time I ran the DA setup script, it halted because it said make was not installed. So, I installed make.

Is it safe to just run the DA setup script again? Or should I clear the hard drives, reinstall a base Debian 5 again, and install the right libraries before installing DA?

And when I did a search on the forum, I see several people who recommend a list of libraries to install before they run the DA setup script the first time - must I install all those same libraries? I feel like the DA Installation Guide should be updated to have a recommend list of libraries that should be installed before the DA setup script is ran.

It's safe to run the setup script for the 2nd time without wiping.
On debian, apt-get install build-essentials openssh-server openssh-client