missing logs and webalizer "Error: document not found"


New member
Jul 10, 2005
in any account in Da under
Site Summary / Statistics / Logs

Logs and Domain Webalizer Stats

both have issues when you click on any links for them to view there info you get this message on the page that opens

"Error: document not found"

i have looked all over the forum and help pages to find a fix but nothing has worked i did a rebuild that i saw posted as a fix for webalizer and still having the same issue.

if i use ssh i seem to be able to pull all the logs so it looks like there on the server just DA is not seeing them.

is there a way i can flush the logs or reinstall them to default so that DA will see them and use them. and also to make Webalizer work?
there is a list of files there yes if there the right files i have no idea.