NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Running latest version of CentOS 3 (yes, that's an oxymoron), and can no longer backup mysql; backup system returns error:
I need to update the box soon but I need to give the 20 users on it some advance notice and I'd love to be able to make a backup first.
Anyone know if the backups will be restorable on php5?
Does anyone have a copy which will work on this version:Unable to find /usr/bin/mysqldump to create mysql backup
[root@da11 root]# mysqld --version
mysqld Ver 4.0.17-standard for pc-linux on i686 (Official MySQL RPM)
[root@da11 root]#
I need to update the box soon but I need to give the 20 users on it some advance notice and I'd love to be able to make a backup first.
Anyone know if the backups will be restorable on php5?