Missing subdmain doesn't get custom 403 error


Verified User
May 11, 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
I'm not sure which version of the 403 it gets, but it's certainly not my custom page.

How do I ensure that anyone who requests a non-existant subdomain gets directed to the right 403?
If they request a non-existant subdomain, it would be like requestng a non-existant file or directory on the server. I believe they should get a 404 File Not Found error rather than a 403 Forbidden error.
Thanks Jeremy

however I have test case of fed.nzpif.org.nz - from a dns perspective it exists (the domain is split over two servers) but the server doesn't know about it. I appear to be getting a 403 error.
Do you have a file in the subdomain's directory called something like index.html, index.htm, index.php or anything? This error is most likely indicating that an index file does not exist.