Moderbill & DA integration


Verified User
Aug 30, 2004
I'm new to the forums though we are an active reseller of DA for our dedicated clients. We are working on a new venture that will focus on using MB for billing and only the DA panel for the virtual, reseller and dedicated accounts. If my barrage of threads that is about to happen regarding DA and MB would be better in another forum please let me know. :)

I have been trying to get some features added to the DA module in Modernbill for months and am hoping to make another push to get them into the next version before giving up on MB. One feature, being able to track bandwidth and charge for overages just got this response from one of the MB guys:

"Something to think about relating to bandwidth and extra domains: Right now we pull bandwidth data for the other server modules based on the domain name. For DA I’m going to have to do it by username. So any client in your ModernBill that has two domains will have to get all the bandwidth billed on one domain. I won’t be able to separate the two domain’s bandwidth data because of the way DA handles it."

If you have access the thread is here:

From a billing standpoint this seems like it would be fine as the client can always check their DA account for usage on each domain. From a user standpoint though, I can see how it would be nice if MB was able to pull usage for individual domains as well and display it inside their MB user panel. Any suggestions that I could pass along to the MB devoper to accomplish this?

The log files used to get data transfer information should show the domain name. Perhaps ModernBill only uses the DA provided summaries, but doesn't look at the log files.

Yeah I think MB uses the api which only shows the users usage overall and not on a perdomain basis. Perhaps a feature request for the api. Since the information is already there on the stats page its just a matter of patching it throug to respond on the api I think.
EWH1 said:
I have been trying to get some features added to the DA module in Modernbill for months and am hoping to make another push to get them into the next version before giving up on MB. One feature, being able to track bandwidth and charge for overages just got this response from one of the MB guys:



Hi Matt,

What is it you are not happy about with a MB - DA integration?

I just spent about 2 hours on the phone with someone from MB and we talked about current limitations of the MB support of DA, I got the feeling they are actively working on improving it.

Personally, based on what I have read so far about MB, it seems that it is the best solution for me. But I would love some feedback from others that are using it (and if you prefer not to post anything publically, please feel free to message me or I would be happy to call if you have any comments pro or con).

I have a couple of other projects coming up where it seems MB fits the bill for me - an ISP, as well as taking payments for a member based site. It would be far better to have them billed all out of one application.

Before I go down that road (I know a customer of mine made the mistake, for his use, of buying PerlBill). I want to avoid any such mis-steps if I can for my own thing.



I expect to purchase ModernBill next week - after spending the weekend working on moving my sites to my new DA equipped site.
