
Verified User
Sep 11, 2004
Temecula, CA
Is there an alternative? I recently upgraded MB 4.x to 5.x and have found I basically upgraded to beta software that has not even been tested in certain areas.

This usability of the UI is terrible, not to mention extremely slow. Support is pretty shotty as well. You may get your issues resolved after several correspondance.

Their product building "features" are so complicated that you may was well learn to program your own system.

Are there any other solutions out there? I'd be willing to even change my merchan bank and gateway so I didn't have to use this stuff.
I agree with you 100%. We upgraded to 5.0 for about a week before we went back to 4.x. It's probably the worst thing ModernBill has ever done. I think they have been going downhill for years. Their support is a joke, you try and get something solved and they pretty much give you a random answer in the manual (this really happened to us, they gave us an answer from the manual that wasn't even remotely related to the question we asked). We will never give them our money again; $60 for an upgrade that doesn't work? Give me a break! We have actually begun developing our own billing system as there isn't one our there that will fulfill everything we need. ModernBill used to come close but they're heading in the wrong direction now. To us, that is the only other option, develop our own billing software. When we get it done, we may make it available to the public but that is uncertain at the moment.
Is there an alternative? I recently upgraded MB 4.x to 5.x and have found I basically upgraded to beta software that has not even been tested in certain areas.

This usability of the UI is terrible, not to mention extremely slow. Support is pretty shotty as well. You may get your issues resolved after several correspondance.

Their product building "features" are so complicated that you may was well learn to program your own system.

Are there any other solutions out there? I'd be willing to even change my merchan bank and gateway so I didn't have to use this stuff.

There is an alternate and its called AWBS. Your welcome to contact me for a 14 day free trial where you can run AWBS in all its glory without restrictions. We moved away from MB some 9 months ago after the things they pulled on their loyal customers.

IMHO best billing program. Hated MB 4, I can imagine what MB 5 is like. I can't figure out why people like MB so much. Biggest piece of crap.
thanks for the suggestions. pucky, do you run awbs with PHP5? i see PHP5 support is 'experimental.'

i need to support PHP5 and would like to run the billing software on the same system.
thanks for the suggestions. pucky, do you run awbs with PHP5? i see PHP5 support is 'experimental.'

i need to support PHP5 and would like to run the billing software on the same system.

We dont run php5 but our new customers do with MySQL 5.x on DA boxes and there are no reports of issues. Of course the trial unlocks the software for a full 14 days so you can test this theory.
There is an alternate and its called AWBS. Your welcome to contact me for a 14 day free trial where you can run AWBS in all its glory without restrictions. We moved away from MB some 9 months ago after the things they pulled on their loyal customers.
pucky, is AWBS your product, or do you have some special arrangements with the publishers?

pucky, is AWBS your product, or do you have some special arrangements with the publishers?


We didn't write AWBS. It has been around for years Jeff! Do signup for a trial. You may just like it alot.
First I've got some questions for the publishers. I posted them on the other AWBS thread yesterday.

Agreed on mb5, I use mb4 for one business but it wont be going to mb5 and may end up been moved of mb altogether. I think the 2 biggest killers for mb5 were the lack of backwards feature support as half the stuff you can do in mb4 wont work in mb5 since the modules arent even developed yet and the licensing changes.
So far from experience..

MB - Sucks
AWBS - Sucks
CE - Semi-Sucks, though I use it reluctantly

Haven't yet found a decent billing/client management system that is not bloated, complicated to setup and use, and non-buggy.
So far from experience..

MB - Sucks
AWBS - Sucks
CE - Semi-Sucks, though I use it reluctantly

Haven't yet found a decent billing/client management system that is not bloated, complicated to setup and use, and non-buggy.

Who says AWBS sucks? You?
I used AWBS for a while before switching to MB and thought it was even worse than ModernBill. It was very slow and had problems connecting to sometimes. A lot of clients complained about the layout and I have to agree that it wasn't the most intuitive.
I used AWBS for a while before switching to MB and thought it was even worse than ModernBill. It was very slow and had problems connecting to sometimes. A lot of clients complained about the layout and I have to agree that it wasn't the most intuitive.

Umm i have used it for years and i have never ever had an issue with and its pretty much instant. Maybe you had some serious config issues or your box was dog. Who knows. Judging from your response you didnt take much time to integrate it either because had you worked with it for a few hours would have realized just how easy it is to integrate. As with anything, your site will only look as good as the amount of time you spend on it. The default site is ugly, howabout doing something like this?
Jeff, go ahead and start your trial. Not sure what issue these guys are referring too but they dont backup their statements with any facts.