ModernBill or AWBS


Verified User
Feb 27, 2006
Domains and shared hosting is where this is probably going to go. I will probably use the QuickBooks Merchant account with because it's the cheapest all around for $8.00 - $10.00 type purchases, and the % won't beat me up too bad on larger purchases. I know ModernBill is expensive and is the one people love to hate. I know AWBS is new and improving. I haven't used either. I hear people that have been in it awhile say after they grow that they wish they had started with ModernBill. What's important is good and reliable integration with DirectAdmin and automation. If you have to hire another person because AWBS isn't as automated, then I can't call ModernBill expensive.

AWBS is fully automated.
My best advice is that you try out both before you chose what to use. MB works for some, AWBS for others.
I tested many of them before I decided to go with AWBS. MB, AWBS, ClientExec, Whoiscart etc..

Modernbill didn`t work for me because V.4 did not support Directi/resellerclub, neither did V5 which also is immature as I`ve heard..

Clientexec and whoiscart lacks to many features as far as for what I wanted.
modernbill.. with

But I would avoid the quickbooks merchant account in all ways possible.

If you want, I know this is kinda advertising, you can go ahead and PM me and I could probably help you get setup with with a plan that could either save you money or be as competitive with the choice you are trying to make.

either way

choice is clear modernbill + ;)
FastAttack said:
modernbill.. with way choice is clear modernbill + ;)
Well it may be clear to you, but WHY? :D
FastAttack said:
But I would avoid the quickbooks merchant account in all ways possible.
Why? :D It's the only one that QuickBooks integrates with.
FastAttack said:
If you want, I know this is kinda advertising, you can go ahead and PM me and I could probably help you get setup with with a plan that could either save you money or be as competitive with the choice you are trying to make.
OK, I'm open.
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