Nginx with modsecurity , @inspectFile not working
because clamdscan scan file inside /tmp , result is error "No such file or directory"
but in reality nginx write temporary upload file to privateTmp directory.
My solution
* not recommend privateTmp = false
* try stream it working but nginx response is very slow "cat $FILE | clamdscan --stdout --no-summary --stream -"
Nginx with modsecurity , @inspectFile not working
because clamdscan scan file inside /tmp , result is error "No such file or directory"
but in reality nginx write temporary upload file to privateTmp directory.
- Default PrivateTmp=true
- Debian 11
- modsecurity-nginx v1.0.3
- modsecurity v3.0.8
Nginx temporary file upload to privateTmp directory.
ll /tmp/systemd-private-d334b42ed17b4e1fa57ecc00280187f5-nginx.service-Bp0OZg/tmp/**
-rw------- 1 nginx nginx 157077 May 18 16:45 20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg
SecRule FILES_TMPNAMES "@inspectFile /usr/local/bin/runav.pl" \
"phase:2,t:none,block,msg:'Virus found in uploaded file',id:'950115',tag:'MALICIOUS_SOFTWARE/VIRUS',tag:'PCI/5.1',severity:'2',setvar:tx.anomaly_score=+%{tx.critical_anomaly_score},setvar:tx.%{rule.id}-MALICIOUS_SOFTWARE/VIRUS-%{matched_var_name}=%{tx.0}"
my $CLAMDSCAN = "/usr/bin/clamdscan";
my $input = `$CLAMDSCAN --stdout --no-summary $FILE`;
$input =~ m/^(.+)/;
my $error_message = $1;
print "\n\n\n------------------\n $input \n----------------------\n";
ModSecurity ::: modsec_debug.log
[168440315843.733775] [/] [4] (Rule: 913200) Executing operator "Pm" with param "bytes=0-,5-0,5-1,5-2,5-3,5-4,5-5,5-6,5-7,5-8,5-9,5-10,5-11,5-12,5-13,5-14 myvar=1234 acunetix acunetix-product acunetix-scanning-agreement acunetix-user-agreement X-Scanner x-ratproxy-loop" against REQUEST_HEADERS_NAMES|REQUEST_HEADERS.
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "Host" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS_NAMES:Host)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "User-Agent" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS_NAMES:User-Agent)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "Accept" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS_NAMES:Accept)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "Content-Length" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS_NAMES:Content-Length)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "Content-Type" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS_NAMES:Content-Type)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS:Host)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "curl/7.74.0" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "*/*" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS:Accept)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "157264" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Length)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------3050ffce0ef1ff52" (Variable: REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [4] Rule returned 0.
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Matched vars cleaned.
[168440315843.733775] [/] [4] (Rule: 950115) Executing operator "InspectFile" with param "/usr/local/bin/runav.pl" against FILES_TMPNAMES.
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Target value: "/tmp/20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg" (Variable: FILES_TMPNAMES:/tmp/20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg)
[168440315843.733775] [/] [4] InspectFile Executing: /usr/local/bin/runav.pl /tmp/20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg
[168440315843.733775] [/] [4] InspectFile Result:
/tmp/20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg: File path check failure: No such file or directory. ERROR
[168440315843.733775] [/] [9] Matched vars updated.
[168440315843.733775] [/] [4] Running [independent] (non-disruptive) action: setvar
[168440315843.733775] [/] [8] Saving variable: TX:anomaly_score with value: 0
[168440315843.733775] [/] [4] Running [independent] (non-disruptive) action: setvar
[168440315843.733775] [/] [8] Saving variable: TX:950115-MALICIOUS_SOFTWARE/VIRUS-FILES_TMPNAMES:/tmp/20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg with value:
ll /tmp/20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg
ls: cannot access '/tmp/20230518-164558-168440315843.733775-file-pbzXzg': No such file or directory
i add ms_dbg_a() to src/operators/inspect_file.cc for debugs
bool InspectFile::evaluate(Transaction *transaction, const std::string &str) {
if (m_isScript) {
return m_lua.run(transaction, str);
} else {
FILE *in;
char buff[512];
std::stringstream s;
std::string openstr;
std::string res;
openstr.append(" ");
ms_dbg_a(transaction, 4, "InspectFile Executing: " + openstr);
if (!(in = popen(openstr.c_str(), "r"))) {
return false;
while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), in) != NULL) {
s << buff;
ms_dbg_a(transaction, 4, "InspectFile Result: " + res);
if (res.size() > 1 && res.at(0) != '1') {
return true; /* match */
/* no match */
return false;
My solution
* not recommend privateTmp = false
* try stream it working but nginx response is very slow "cat $FILE | clamdscan --stdout --no-summary --stream -"