monthly logs


Verified User
Jul 2, 2004
I have a problem with the rotate of website logs. On 1st the server had to rotate, and compress, the last month logs, but that didn't happend, and the system is using to set the access of this month in the same log file.

Maybe is a matter of time.. but in past months the rotate was on 1st of each.

This is happening in all DA servers i check (3 for now). Maybe a update bug?

I'm not too sure. Check your /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron. The command that does the monthly reset is:

echo "action=reset&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

You can try running it now to see if it works.

I did it but nothing happend.
This is happening in all of our servers that we upgraded to the last Direct Admin version 1.22.2

What do you mean nothign happened? You won't see any output because the "echo 'text' >> file" command just adds text to a file. Make sure that your cron daemon is running. Also check /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue. The file should be non-existant most of the time. The only time it should exist is when you run a command, but the dataskq should find it within one minute and get rid of it. The crons are run from /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron. Give it about 10 minutes after running the reset command, then check your user stats. (actually view one user.. the list of users has a cache and might not be updated instantly)

I think I am also seeing this problem but want to confirm it before doing anything.

I received notice that one of my accounts had used 75% of their bandwidth for the month. When I looked at the webalizer stats things were right. When I look at DA's internal stats it seems to have combined June and July for it's total. Is this the same problem?

If so, I did check the cron mentioned above and the command is there. Any idea why this might not have worked?

If I run the job now will it properly split June and July or will it begin July from time of run forward?
I'm also seeing this problem. Logs did not rotate on 7/1/04 as they should have. Anything new on this issue?

Several servers, DA upgraded on all within days of new version releases.
Okay, so, server apache logs did not rotate on 7/1/04 or 8/1/04. User backup logs were not created on 7/1/04 or 8/1/04.

I'm thinking DA uses an internal log rotate solution.
Although, I could be off base here. I'm assuming this to be so because I have never had logrotate on my FreeBSD server. I use newsyslog. And even so, DA had been rotating logs. The last user backup I see occurred on 6/1/04.

Cron runs fine, everything else is fine. When I run the DA reset for all by hand, there are no errors in the DA logs. All tallies run fine, etc. Bandwidth stats are fine. But logs are not rotated.
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Is noone else having this problem anymore? Is it specific to FreeBSD? Just looking for some input here. Have other people checked to see if their servers are having this problem?

Does DA have an internal log rotation system? Am I missing another thread that actually discusses this?

Ah well, I guess I could just set-up logrotate or something to take care of it.
I'm running FreeBSD 4.10 and my logs rotated sucessfully for July/August, so its not a FreeBSD problem.

Have you tried updating directadmin incase something was corrupt? Also check administrator settings for the logrotate configuration for apache.
I've been updating DA as the releases come out. I've had this problem since upgrading to 1.22.2 on 6/25/04. Server I'm testing and diagnosing on is currently at 1.22.4.

I did go to the admin settings and change the default 100M log rotate size to 20M. I then ran:

echo "action=reset&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

And logs successfully rotated based on size. I have now changed it back to the default value. It would seem that the monthly reset command is no longer, for whatever reason, rotating and making user backups of logs based on the 1st of the month. I also find no directadmin errors on the 1st. The monthly reset/tallies ran fine according to DA.

It does seem odd that some of us have this problem and some of us don't. So now I'm wondering what other things were upgraded or installed on individual servers in June that could possibly effect DA's inability to rotate logs by date. arrrgh...
I have the same problem - suddenly a bunch of sites have all been suspended because since the upgrade, the logs were not rotated 08/01/2004, and bandwith tallies are adding up.

This is a really big problem when you have 1000 clients per server. How can I fix this, and have the log rotation run today?
YES I am having this problem too!! Redhat 9 and I checked 4 servers and ALL 4 have not had logs updated in /home/user/domains/domain/logs/ since June 1, every server I've checked has this problem.
Has anyone figured this out yet? We are fast approaching 9/1/04.

Current temporary solution is to change size value to something minimal on 8/31/04. But it would be nice to find out what the problem is here.
Looks like pretty much all my servers aren't rotating logs anymore other than when one reaches the proper size. Monthly rotation seems broken.
Dixiesys said:
Looks like pretty much all my servers aren't rotating logs anymore other than when one reaches the proper size. Monthly rotation seems broken.

Well find out in another day I guess.
1.224 :: FreeBSD 4.10 and logs just rotated from August to September succesfully so it doesn't appear to be a DA problem (at least the binary for freebsd).
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I just checked and one of my newer lesser filled servers shows no log rotation yet for the 1st of the month. Is this supposed to happen at midnight or some other time?

DA latest + RH9 are all my servers.