More Secret Features: Subdomains

how many times do i have to say it?

DirectAdmin gets better everyytime i look at this forum / ask a question / ask for help / give advice :P

Keep the secrets coming Mark (and John, and any other staff working on it :) )

** One question, how do users set up subdomains like this? is it just adding subdomain over subdomain or does it have to be done setting up a new "site" each time

Just go to the subdomain menu and type in the sub.sub.sub name. It's the same as adding regular subdomains.

But still you miss setting up mail accounts @ subdomain (possible with SubdomainAsDomain 'hack')
there should be an option in every domain to setup mails like this:
[fill in there] @ [fill in there even with dots] .domainname.tld
It's not quite that simple. Mail treats evey subdomain as a separate domain. Which would mean a complete structure inside DirectAdmin for mail for every subdomain. That's what you get when you create your subdomain as a true domain.
