move a domain from one user-level's account to his reseller level user account?


Verified User
Aug 16, 2005
move a domain from one user-level's account to his reseller level user account?

because I had a user create multiple domains from his user level but later realized he need dedicated IP for them.

now i need to be able to move his domain to outside user user-level and into his reseller level.

any ideas on best way to go about this?
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
./ <domain> <olduser> <newuser>
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but I dont want to move all the user domains to one of his reseller's user accounts.

so to just put it simply,

i have a reseller with a user(userA) that has 10 domains.

i need to take 2 of those domains from (userA) and turn each of them into it's own user accounts(userB and userC).

is this possible?