Move complete DA installation to new hosting provider


Verified User
Apr 14, 2024

I want to move the complete DA installation from provider A to provider B. It's a relatively small installation, only 6 users, some WordPress installations and the normal things like email.... The main domain and the domains of the users won't change. That's all my accounts, no clients involved.

How would you do this with as less effort and downtime?

The easiest way could be, make a complete server backup and restore it to the new server, then just change the IP in DA and wait for refreshing DNS.
Can it go so easy without later any troubles? What would you do?

Regards Kristian

PS: Because I'm still in trying mode and new to DA, I sometimes only needed 1-click, and everything was broken, so that I had to start again from zero. Since then I make 4 full server backups per day, I use Acronis Cyber Protect for this.
Just forgotten to ask:

I have an unused DA licence here. Includes the multi server functionality of DA something like a button move all users, domains and data from A to B?
Answer to your second question: no.
Multi server setup is DNS only. Be sure to disable that before you start transferring.

Best way is to install the new server to satisfaction that all is working the same. Be sure that the hostname is already setup before DA install, less worrier os changes afterwards.

Then use the admin backup/transfer to backup and maybe also transfer all domains to the new server.
Best is at night time so nobody has problems.
On restore, then first restore admin, or if you have admin on the new server, then restore resellers first and customers last.

Then at the old server either stop exim and change nameserver ip's at your register so no mail will be lost.
Or just do the same and rsync mail after nameserver ip's are synchronised and everything is working on the new server.

I don't use Acronis Cyber Protect, so no clue as how this works, I always use admin/backup transfer to transfer all accounts to the new server.
Maybe that is easier, in that case somebody else has to advise.
I find the doc method too devious. But everyone's free choice ofcourse.

Under point 4 in the docs the admin/backup transfer is only mentioned as "the newer alternative method".
But it's way faster and less devious then the 1 to 6 steps mentioned in the docs. No need to do all those steps.
At least the docs page gives a full overview on existing methods.

Then the same subject was already discussed here on the forums for many times. Nothing changed since than, I believe.
a full overview on existing methods.
Almost. Indeed also rsync and such is spoken about. But almost nothing is said about admin backup/transfer.
So that could need some improvement by a bit more explanation/howto imho. So that might be a bit more "full".
For us it's clear how it works, new people will probably fastly read over or skip this little alinea without it's more clear explanation. ;)