move data from different DA installation


Verified User
Feb 27, 2006
I've made a root/admin backup which i'm going to move to another server. but i don't want to replace current DA license files in there, what should i do to prevent them from being replaced upon restoration?
I know that i need to replace the IPs in configuration files, but what else?
I'm not sure which backup you're using. If the backup includes those files there are two ways you can keep DirectAdmin from overwriting them:

1) untar the backups, remove the files you don't want to be restored, and recreate your tarball.

2) chattr the files on the new server, which you don't want overwritten, as immutable, before you do the restore. See man chattr for more information, and don't forget to restore the original configuration after you've restored your backup.

but i don't want to replace current DA license files in there, what should i do to prevent them from being replaced upon restoration?

What kind of backup are you doing that would replace those files?

Use Admin Backups if you are just moving users from server to another and you don't have to worry it.
16K ./08-16-08/custom/etc/httpd/conf
18K ./08-16-08/custom/etc/httpd
6.0K ./08-16-08/custom/etc/ssh
266K ./08-16-08/custom/etc
6.0K ./08-16-08/custom/usr/local/directadmin/conf
8.0K ./08-16-08/custom/usr/local/directadmin
6.0K ./08-16-08/custom/usr/local/data
16K ./08-16-08/custom/usr/local
2.8M ./08-16-08/custom/usr/lib
6.0K ./08-16-08/custom/usr/share
281M ./08-16-08/custom/usr
33G ./08-16-08/custom/home
33G ./08-16-08/custom
33G ./08-16-08

this kind of backup...

It appears you're either using the older System Backup or your own backup.

The DirectAdmin System Backup has no restore function; it's designed to be used by system administrators who know what they want to restore, and where.

You should probably either switch, as Floyd mentioned, to the Admin level reseller backups, (which won't backup any any server files) or remove the files you don't want restored from your backups as mentioned in my previous email.
