Moving My Website. Can Someone Help?


Verified User
Jun 15, 2006
I am a businessman, not a techie. So please bear with my ignorance here :( . I realize this stuff is probably second nature to most of you folks, but I am baffled by it all.
I have an existing website up and running with a hosting company that has me on a DA server.
I have decided to move to a new hosting company and they, too, are putting me on a DA server.
My question is how do I move my site from the old company, to the new, without losing data and screwing up my site. I am especially concerned about my IPB board and forums.
Thank you!
hehachris said:
you should see a link in DA called "Create/Restore Backups"
I do. I have made a backup of my site and now have a 125MB file sitting on my hard drive. It is compressed using WinRAR, and is some kind of .tar file.
That's as far as I know what to do.
upload the backup (it should be .tar.gz) to directory "backups" in your root directory(just create one if u cant see it), and then restore it from "Create/Restore Backups"
Well, this is a small guide of the whole process you need to do.

1. Old Hosting: Backup all of your data
2. Old Hosting: Close your website for maintenance to stop any movement that will not goto new hosting
3. New Hosting: Restore all of your data
4. Domain: change DNS to new hosting
5. Waiting for dns resolve (people that dns not yet resolve will see maintenance page on old hosting, people that dns updated will access new hosting) Your website will down for 1-3 days

Uninterupt process:
1. Old Hosting: Close your website for maintenance to stop any movement that will not goto new hosting
2. Old Hosting: Backup all of your data
3. New Hosting: Restore all of your data
4. New Hosting: reConfig your script to use temp url (http://ip.ip.ip.ip/~username) access it and turn off maintenance mode.
5. Old Hosting: Redirect to new hosting on temp url
(If you done every thing correct you will be forwarded to temp url on new hosting when access
6. Domain: change DNS to new hosting
7. Waiting for dns to completely resolved for 3 days
8. New Hosting: reConfig your website back to use
9. Old Hosting: Check mail via webmail or pop3 (using ip instread of domain)
10. Old Hosting: Now could be terminated
just a little tweak to what you've mentioned can save a few days

Here's what i'd do.

Old site - non acceptance of forum activity or any other activity that deals with user-based interaction.

Old site backup

New Host Restore
New host restore all activity (signup forms, posting forms, etc)

Change DNS now to the new server.

This way, ur site is never down for anybody, atleast they can see that ur site is accessible in read only mode (u can always have a message stating your moving)

Best Regards
hehachris said:
upload the backup (it should be .tar.gz) to directory "backups" in your root directory(just create one if u cant see it), and then restore it from "Create/Restore Backups"

I also would like to move 3 accounts from a DA box to another DA box ... I tried this with FTP, and it did not seem to work ... do I have to use putty, and if so what commands do I use?

What specifically did you try that didn't work? There are as many ways of moving sites as there are system administrators, so we'd need a bit more information about what you did to help you with it.

Or we can just say:

Backup the site. FTP it to yourself.

Then ftp it to the new server and restore it.

jlasman said:
What specifically did you try that didn't work? There are as many ways of moving sites as there are system administrators, so we'd need a bit more information about what you did to help you with it.

Or we can just say:

Backup the site. FTP it to yourself.

Then ftp it to the new server and restore it.

I backed up the users at the user level, downloaded it to my machine locally, and uploaded it to /home/user/backups on the new box

I see the file, but when I try to restore it, i get this error :

Unable to execute your command


File is not of type tar.gz: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file /bin/tar: Read 10061 bytes from /home/rednax/backups/backup-Aug-11-2006-1.tar.gz /bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive /bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
I used the backup/restore feature on DA .... any ideas how I should do it then?

I am now getting very desparate to move these users ... it has been over a week and the clients are getting impatient.

I would be willing to pay somebody to do the migration of these 3 accounts for me and be done with it ..
