moving server


Verified User
Feb 5, 2006
whats the best way of moving server i have about 30 clients and most of whome are resslers and have their on customrs alos my internet is only 512 with a 212 upload speed so useing the sevrers conections is ok a step by step is good but a genaral expalanation would be ok.
Going to assume you have root and both the old and new servers are DA.

Because you have resellers, makes it a little more...time consuming..

- Log into the old server.
Log into each resellers account and do a full users backup of all thier hosting accts.
Then go to your reseller account (the one you would use to create resellers and normal hosting accts) and do same. This way, not only will you back up your normal accounts, but the resellers main and within their /user_backups, thier clients sites. :)

- Then on the new machine, if you don't have a /users_backups directy, do a prelim reseller backup to create the directory (you could do it manually via root with mkdir, but I like doing it in DA for consitancy).

- Once you have your new /user_backups directory, just SCP the backups from the old server /user_backups to the new one (or push from the old to the new...either works). Be sure to chown them to your default DA Login when you're done.

- Then log into the new DA and restore your backups. Once they are done, you just log into each reseller and do same for them.

Then go to the old server and hotwire the DNS to point to the new server while your users update their NS..

To hotwire, log into root on old server:

cd /var/named
perl -pi.bak -e 's/old.ip.address.00/new.ip.address.00/i' *.db
/sbin/service named restart

(the perl command will create a .bak of all the named files before it makes changes, so if you have problems, you just copy them back and restart named and you're back at the old server.)

Sounds more complicated then it is. Anyway, that's how I've done it in the past and it works for me. Course, much easier with no

this is good its very clear aprt from one thing the hotwire does that command do a backup and the hotwire or just the backup and if its just the backup how do you dod the hotwire.

akk the other stuff imm good with but hotwire is a new term for me in this sense. does it just mean move all the zones over or something.

the -pi.bak part will make a back up of the domain.tld.db file to domain.tld.db.bak BEFORE searching thru the .db file and replacing the first string with the second (in this case the IP's).

Breaking it down:

-pi.bak = loop file list at end (*.db), but make a backup first and add .bak to end

-e = do the following command line by line

's/string1/string2/i' is a regex to replace string1 with string2

*.db is the list of files to process against (for the -pi part), in this case all files ending in .db

Hope that helps.
it does now all i got to do is fine a online storage place for aonly afew bucks were can store 50gb of data :P see you ina few months :)