Moving Servers


Verified User
Jan 20, 2013
I'm just finishing off moving servers, both running DA and both 99% identical setups as my host is relocating from one datacentre to another.

Moved loads of static sites and wordpress sites across and everything went smoothly, apart from one.... And theres always one... :(

I have one wordpress website, that only shows a white screen *unless* I set ownership to root on everything :eek: (Group makes no difference)

I have checked through file and folder permissions, and tried different settings even 777 on everything but still nothing, nothing happens unless it runs as root. Checked every log and output I can think of, including debugging mode in wordpress and cant find any reason for it. It seems like a permission error to me, but I just can't put my finger on it.

Truth be told, I *think* there is a workaround where you just install a default wordpress site, then restore the DB and upload the content folder and that should sort it, but I would prefer to resolve this and understand what and why it has happened partly as its educational, and partly because I just spent a couple of hours trying to sort it thinking it was a simple misconfig or wrong ownership on something and now I just have to beat it. ;)

Any suggestions?
How do you run PHP?

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build options

*unless* I set ownership to root on everything

Where? In /home/username/? Or in /home/username/domains/

Sorry slow replying, been busy. :-)

PHP Options Output;

Apache: 2.2.24
Dovecot: 2.2.1
AWstats: no
Exim: no
exim.conf update: no
SpamAssassin: no
ClamAV: no
ClamAV: no
MySQL: no
MySQL backup: yes
MySQL backup directory: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql_backups
PHP: 5.3.25 as CLI without mail() header patch
ProFTPD: no
Pure-FTPd: no
Atmail webmail: no
RoundCube webmail: 0.9.0
Replace "php.ini" with './build all' and './build php-ini': no
Auto updates/notifications: no
Run "clean" every time: yes
Run "clean_old_webapps" every time: yes
Run "clean_old_tarballs" every time: no
Show texts in bold: yes
SquirrelMail: 1.4.22
UebiMiau: no
Zend Optimizer: no
ionCube loader: no

With the ownership changes, the only way it works is if I change everything in the "/home/username/domains/" and all of the subfolders. I have tried changing one file at a time for the main core files, but cant identify which it is or where the problem is located.

After playing around with it a bit more, and have realised its not just one website that was affected but several and it *seems* to be only those that I had installed Better WP Security in.... I have checked the main .htaccess but havent had chance to look at any in subdirectories. I've cropped the main .htaccess right down to the bare minimal and same problem.

Gonna keep playing around and will update with any further progress or success. :-)
Another update. No other .htaccess files that are interfering with things.

Ownership HAS to be root and whatever group I set it as makes no difference, and the site runs if I use chmod 005 (R-X for "Users") for all files within the "public_html" folder - Tried different permissions on subfolders and the files within the "public_html" folder but unless they are all set at least a R-X for "users" then nothing works.

Just to be safe, I've checked through the Wordpress config files and the htaccess just to make sure it wasnt trying to do anything as a different user but no joy there.

Tried debug on Wordpress but nothing of any help, and dug through all the obvious error log files, but cant find anything of any use or relevance. Any suggestions on any un-obvious logs anywhere that might shed light?
Probably "Better WP Security" is an answer... not too sure. Try to use


to set permissions back to defaults
Well, spent today trying everything I could think of and still didn't get any joy....

Checked permissions, removed user accounts and re-created, copied files back from the backups, reconfigured and rebuilt almost everything piece by piece until I realised there was one I hadn't done... SuPHP....

I hadn't actually installed SuPHP as I thought it was installed with the latest version of DA, but its included but not installed by default.

Just installed and configured SuPHP and everything working perfectly. :D

I did have to restore from a backup to make sure all the permissions were where they should be as different files require different permissions for the Wordpress websites, but otherwise running smooth and quick again.

Thanks zEitEr for the suggestions and help, and my bad for being a muppet. :-P
Yup, its been a big learning curve over the last few months. :-)

Going off the topic for moment, my registrar today suggested (after I bought another domain and asked him to set it to my nameservers) that it may be worth me looking into getting my own TAG. (Assuming that means me becoming a registrar also)

Most of my domains are which are only £7.78 total cost for 2 years, although there are some that are not domains. I have around 30 domains altogether, but moving forward I doubt I will be registering any more than 10 new domains a year at a maximum.

I'm having a read through online to get my head around the registrar side of it, but my question is - Is it worth going down the route of becoming a registrar? I'm not quite sure of the effort/time/cost involved and whether or not it would provide any real benefits to me based on the above number of existing, and likely future purchases, of domain names.
Is it worth going down the route of becoming a registrar?

It's you who should decide it, I'm not the right person who you should ask such a question. Probably somebody else here has something to say related to your question.
You can find all the information you need on becoming a .uk registrar here ( If you qualify you can save some money; the rate for a two-year registration is £5.00, plus £1.00 VAT, total £6.00. So you'll savle £1.78. but you'll need to pass a references check, a credit check, and a proficiency test. check out that link.

For the other domains? Forget it. Tens of thousands of dollars, lots of hoops to go through.

But if you're interested:

You'll need ICANN Accreditation, and the acknowledged leader in getting you there is LogicBoxes:

They also have a platform you can buy from them to do the required work; it's the same platform used by Reseller Club, by Net Earth One, and by others.
