Moving Users


Verified User
Aug 2, 2007
I have two Reseller accounts on two different Servers using DA.
I wanted to move a user from one Server to another, so I created a full-user-backup.
I moved the backup file into the new Server & restored it.

Everything works great, but one thing.
The disc-space usage for that user has increased dramatically by 150%!!!
I tried searching for a cause but could not find any file indicating the reason (not even the backup-file itself).

Where should I look for the cause/solution?
You can download the backup to your local desktop system and unpack it using something like WinZip. That may help you figure out what you've moved and it's size.

I know its size. that is not the problem.
after moving the backup file into the new server & restoring it, the total amount of size the user in now using, is much bigger than the size he was using on the old server (before backup).

the problem is not with the backup file itself, but the size of its unpacked content after moving...
Do you have shell access? If so you can run the du command to see disk usage on a directory by directory basis. Then compare it with the untarred backup files.

I try to do that, but the strange thing is that it happened to all the users that moved this way (not just one)
You'll still have to start looking with one domain to get an idea of what's happening.

Or you'll have to discuss it with the provider from whom you've got your reseller accounts.

OK, I took one user with disk usage of: 190.2 / 200

it's domains directory shows: 105.3M (in file_manager), while other folder in root are less the 10K each.

where is the rest of the 90MB...?
here is the user LOG, which I updated several time...


  • User_Size.jpg
    68.4 KB · Views: 116
You can download the backup to your local desktop system and unpack it using something like WinZip. That may help you figure out what you've moved and it's size.


I made a Backup, downloaded it to my desktop: (Size on Disk)
the Backup tar.gz file is 31.1MB
the unpack is 78.8MB (including DATA from user config & DB)
Domains folder is 72.6MB...

I guess there's a BUG in DA
Perhaps, but perhaps not.

The only way to tell at this point is if you have shell access to both accounts; you can run this from the shell:
find / -user yourusername
and check the space used in the directories you find, and the files you find, individually.

I forgot to mention to important things:
  1. I no longer have the old server
  2. I moved between server on the same company & luckily the problem was solved with all users but 2...

I will check one of them with the FIND cmd...
I have a FIND output for one of the users on a file.

what exactly am I looking for...?
All those files are owned by the user; you can look at those files to see how large they are.

In that case, the problem comes from files that are not in the User directories, but spread around the Server somehow...
What may have happened is that some restored files had a UID (the number) which on one server belonged to one person, and on another server belonged to another.

Tracing it will ideally require copies of the /etc/passwd files from both servers.

Otherwise it requires looking at each file/location and figure out who it should belong to :( .
