multiple domains one IP - SSL problem


Verified User
Aug 29, 2015

I would like to ask you for help. I was trying to google it but I haven't found a similar problem.

I have a ecommerce with different landuages en, fr, de
I have few domains .com, .fr, .de each for one language. eg. .de for German.

I have only one IP for my VPS.

Please advise me how to install SSL in Direct Admin?

I have purchase SSL for each of my domains but I don't know how to configure it.

Is is possible to install every SSL with one IP?
yes, it's caleed SNI
to enable it
nano /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf
I was trying this, but it not works.

OpenSSL 1.0.1e
Server version: Apache/2.4.12 (Unix)

I am not able to add a second SSL, it overites previos SSL and SSL testers show me SSL mismatch.

To use SNI with Directadmin you should host your domains on a separate account or accounts. This is the most actual if you host your domains under the user admin. Under the user admin directadmin won't allow to add more than one SSL cert/key, every time you add a new cert/key to admin user it will be installed server-wide and overwrite the existing one. So create a regular user and move your domains to it, after this you will be able to utilize all the features of directadmin+SNI.

To use SNI with Directadmin you should host your domains on a separate account or accounts. This is the most actual if you host your domains under the user admin. Under the user admin directadmin won't allow to add more than one SSL cert/key, every time you add a new cert/key to admin user it will be installed server-wide and overwrite the existing one. So create a regular user and move your domains to it, after this you will be able to utilize all the features of directadmin+SNI.
Hi zEitEr,

Sorry to ask on this old thread but I'm desperate, have the same problem.
I have a reseller and moved all the customer domains to it.
Created another reseller and moved my own domains to it.
Despite that, the Let's Encrypt certificate of a customer is not used but the server's certificate which leads to an error in ther browser of course :-(

Can you advise me?

Thanks in advance, Han Leentvaar

No too sure what the problem is. If you followed all the steps to install a cert for your customer and still see a cert of your server, try and force apache to restart with:

killall -9 httpd
service httpd start

Let me know if it helps.