I've been using a server for about 3 years or more, I thought when I signed up I was signed up on a resellers acount, well come to find out I was only given a multiple domain acount. well I'm getting better at build websites with dreamweaver now and I wanted to build and sell so I offered a friend who has a business a website. well I find out that I dont have a resellers account but my server guy, after me asking about it switches me over to a resellers account, well I'm now having trouble adding my first users.
he told me I could not add a user to domain that is already on the server that I would have to delete the domain and upload it again. I dont see how this is going to work when I dont have a "Create Account" in directadmin cp. Do I have to delete All my sites and reload them again before my account can be switched to a resellers acount with resellers full control panel in Directadmin? when I try to add a user after adding a package the details are that I dont own an ip. if not where do I find the Create account link in resellers level.
he told me I could not add a user to domain that is already on the server that I would have to delete the domain and upload it again. I dont see how this is going to work when I dont have a "Create Account" in directadmin cp. Do I have to delete All my sites and reload them again before my account can be switched to a resellers acount with resellers full control panel in Directadmin? when I try to add a user after adding a package the details are that I dont own an ip. if not where do I find the Create account link in resellers level.