multiple let's encrypt ssl certificates (more than 100 domain pointers)


Verified User
Jul 17, 2021
I have more than 100 domain pointers set up, configured via mod_rewrite to show to unique sites on my site builder service (where people can connect their own domains)

Let's encrypt has a limit of 100 Names per certificate:
>If you have a lot of subdomains, you may want to combine them into a single certificate, up to a limit of 100 Names per Certificate

So therefore, I cannot use one certificate for all domains, I need to use multiple. The directadmin panel does not seem to have an option to do this, if I understand the interface correctly.

Initially I thought the problem was that they're all domain pointers, so I created another domain and wanted to just symlink the directory for this domain to the one for my main domain, and then add the certificates there. But it seems that even when you create another domain (instead of a domain pointer), it still wants to use one single certificate for all of the domains. Is there any way around this, or more specifically, to set up SSL for more than 100 domains, that all point to the same codebase/directory? I do have admin access on the server/on directadmin as well.
figured out how to do it:

1. enable SNI

2. create a new domain instead of a domain pointer

3. delete the public_html for that domain, and symlink the public_html directory to the public_html of your original domain

4. add more domain pointers to it if desired, staying under the limit

5. toggle which domain you're managing in the top left on the directadmin panel

6. add a new certificate for that domain (and the domain pointers)

let me know if this would cause any problems, but it seems to work
just an update on this for anyone who might find this on google, I found a better way to do it than using symlinks, if you have admin privileges.

Instead of creating a symlink to the original public_html folder of your main domain from the other domains (step 3 in the previous post), you can also just use the option "Custom HTTPD Configurations". Edit httpd.conf for each domain you add, adding the following line to it (in the first textbox under "customize"):


with the domain, and user adjusted as necessary in the above line. See also: