Solved Muti Server error due to incorrect DNSSEC configuration


Verified User
Feb 22, 2006
Since we updated to DA version 1.667 (stable channel) we have a problem with Multi Server. It cannot resolve to the given server names (in domain field) and throws an error message stating it cannot resolve. This happens on all servers. We now changed the server names to IP-addresses (in IP-address field) and everything works again. Can this be a bug in DA version 1.667?
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Those files are fine. Also no problem to ping, dig or nslookup the servers that were listed in the Multi Server Setup.
This is the error that is shown in error.log:
Cluster::get_ip(): Value 'servername.tld' doesn't resolve.

Of course servername.tld is a mask for the real server name.
Those files are fine.
Just asking as in some occasions the resolv.conf gets cleared.
If it's fine and no customisations then I don't know, we don't have issues.
I can doublecheck the log but exactly which log are you looking?
I had a look at that, seen nothing. Checked 3 different servers now, but no errors until now.
However, I didn't create new connections, all multiserver connections are already existant.
I do on some of them and some haven't. Don't have issues. Tested servers 2 had and one did not.
@Richard G
From my experience

The issued will cause the problem when there have some dns manager on the domain in the server but.... your real dns server is on third party like cloudflare.

Example: this should report correct IP from third party DNS.
dig @

if it report with self server IP, because you have dns record in the named(bind9).
Solved: The error occurred because DNSSEC was activated for the primary domain. Due to an incorrect DS configuration for the subdomains (including the server names), they could no longer be resolved within the Multi Server Setup.

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