my.cnf cannot be found


Verified User
Nov 13, 2006
I try to find my.cnf but it cannot find it.. anyone can help with this?
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Try "locate my.cnf". You might need to update the database before. "updatedb" on Linux (I think!), "/usr/libexec/locate.updatedb" on FreeBSD. If you don't want to use locate, try "find / -name my.cnf" but it might take a while.
Or check in the directories where you should find it first, /etc/, /usr/local/etc/ or the MySQL data directory.
Hello i just searched the directories you give me.Did a locate my.cnf, but still unable to find my.cnf.
Did you also run "find / -name my.cnf" as root? Then there is no my.cnf on your system.
Have a look in /usr/local/mysql/support-files/ if you had DirectAdmin installing MySQL.
Well, then download (pre-compiled) MySQL from their site and retrieve the my.cnf examples from that tar ball.
I've edited the subject of this thread to match the topic.

There's a my.cnf file for DA posted in these forums but I'm not sure where :( .

Also you will not have the conf file if you have not made one before. It runs on default settings without a conf file by well, default.