my DA server is not stable, how to trouble shoot?


Verified User
Oct 1, 2003
my DA server has become very unstable recently, ftp is okay, but http response very bad, some time the page takes hours to load.

can anyone suggest a way that i can trouble it? i really have no clue now..
Check out the top command it will look something like this:

Processes:  53 total, 2 running, 51 sleeping... 148 threads            11:53:09
Load Avg:  0.48, 0.48, 0.41     CPU usage:  57.9% user, 22.2% sys, 19.8% idle
SharedLibs: num =  117, resident = 27.3M code, 3.04M data, 7.50M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num =  7665, resident =  141M + 7.34M private, 90.4M shared
PhysMem:  61.5M wired,  111M active,  192M inactive,  365M used,  146M free
VM: 3.73G + 81.3M   169991(0) pageins, 97801(0) pageouts

That will give you a idea of what is going on.