My webalizer causes cancer in DA


New member
Jul 10, 2004
I just figured out that my VPS management company didn't
engage crond and that hence that was why I wasn't seeing
any Webalizer output on my new account through DirectAdmin

Now I have just found that when I browse to a Webalizer
output as a user in DA and THEN browse away back to
DA (say this new http
request never completes.

At the moment I try to browse to something else in DA, one
of the processes for DA suddenly starts taking up all the
available CPU cycles. I assume this is the process that is
supposed to be handling my new DA page request. Anyhow,
I can wait for hours for DA to come back to me, never does.

This hung directadmin process slows down the rest of
my server. If I try to "service directadmin stop" this actually
makes the problem worse. Instead of a single DA process
running amuck I have THREE! Each time I try to stop DA the
number of these hanging processes goes up by two or three.
The only way to stop the problem is to reboot the VPS
manually; kill the patient as it were.

Is there anyway to get Webalizer to not cause
this DA fault? Are there any logs I can read to figure out what
DA thought it was doing? Is it safe to kill these undead

As a VPS owner, with DirectAdmin through my
management/hosting company, can I submit a Trouble
Ticket to DA proper? Or do I have to go through my
hosting company?
It would definatly be worth wild to have a skilled technician to login to your VPS and take a look around. The problem may be a reaction to the VPS configuration and have nothing to do at all with the DirectAdmin configuration. I too use to host off of a VPS server but found that things were only stable when you had a small number of VPS owners on one box. As more VPS domains were added to the server, things started getting a little flaky. I finally realized that hosting off of a VPS is good/great for static content, but any dynamic content was sure to fail as resource sharing on a VPS was/is far from being bug proof.