my wordpress website all in ???? no arabic anymore


Verified User
Oct 5, 2013

i just moved from to a new dedicated server right now and my whole website and the database is in Arabic but right now after the move all the Arabic is in ???? and the settings not applied like i didn't change anything but the theme could you please help me and tell me what to do

please help me ASAP
I suppose that the MySQL charset of the DB is different from the old one.

You should need to check DB charset to match the old one, than, re-import your DB backup.

this from the phpmyadmin on the right under database server

Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

and the Server connection collation in pypmyadmin is utf8mb4_unicode_ci but i can't change it from phpmyadmin whatever i choose it goes back to utf8mb4_unicode_ci

and this is the database

so what should i do ?
mmmh, apparently as far as i understood what u wrote, both old and new mysql and db are at same configuration, am i right?

If yes, in the phpmyadmin can u see arabic charsect on both server or just on old?

yes i can see arabic in both

cp1256_bin Arabic, Binary
cp1256_general_ci Arabic, case-insensitive
but i'm not sure if the db and the mysql are same config how to know that may be this is the issue
What do you mean by DB and MySQL same config? DB is MySQL.

As far as i know PHP/HTML doenst need nothing to decode the charsect, so i'm presuming is somehow MySQL relative "issue"...

I'd read that UTF8 should be the best to store this, the only difference i see is the one you just posted (cp1256_bin and cp1256_general_ci).

All your screenshots seems to be fine and since you can see the arabic chars on phpMyAdmin it is clear that DB and PHP are taking them right (since phpMyAdmin itself is a PHP Web Application and use DB)...

Honestly, at the moment, i've no idea how to investigate more... probably someone else will post other idea's, tests or a solution..

now i have another problem

i was trying to delete the database that i have the issue to re-import and now this error is showing up in phpmyadmin and i can't access any database

SQL query: DocumentationEdit Edit

SELECT tracking_active FROM `admin_bla`.`pma__tracking` WHERE db_name = 'admin_short' AND table_name = 'urls' ORDER BY version DESC
MySQL said: Documentation

#1146 - Table 'admin_bla.pma__tracking' doesn't exist

so what should i do ?

waiting for your respond
no actually i didn't and i removed it by using the drop option then i deleted the whole database from MySQL Management
yesterday their was like a message saying create pma database or table i can't remember so i followed the instruction in the phpmyadmin then i created it in the deleted database right now after it has been deleted i can't access any database so is there is like an option to re-install phpmyadmin somehow and i have a backup of all the databases so i will upload them again no problem by the way i tried the reload button in the service monitor but it didn't do anything it was like a refresh button
You have to use custombuild to reinstall phpmyadmin..
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build phpmyadmin

now it's back normal thank you so much i will make the database from the scratch now it's okay

thank you guys so much for your great help and time