MySQL 4.0.15 ?.

try to backup databases and restore at another server with newer mysql version - if all will work fine - you can reinstall mysql at this server and restore databases from backups, of course I mean admin_backup_transfer (they will make database backups with users/passwords)
MySQL 4.0 was a long long time ago, EOL in around 2006.

MySQL 4.0 is different to MySQL 4.1
If you have English characters only inside the tables, it shall be fine.
It you have other language characters (e.g. Chinese utf-8/big5/gb2312) inside the tables, pay attention in MySQL 4.1 upgrade (where 4.1 onwards introduced collation).

MySQL 4.1 collation onwards defaults to latin1.

Any way to update it?

Lot of bugs corrected.

I am scared to ask but what os and version are you on?
What version of DirectAdmin are you on?

You may have lots of upgrades to do.